After Party

Australian Premiere

“Czech director Vojtěch Strakatý offers a refreshing take on the coming-of-age genre in his feature debut, depicting a young student's abrupt confrontation with adulthood.” – Cineuropa 

Set over a sun-drenched 24-hour period, young and carefree Jindřiška discovers that her father owes a large sum of money when debt collectors unexpectedly arrive to repossess their house. In a single day, Jindřiška’s world falls apart, forcing her to choose between using her college savings to lift her father out of debt, or save herself before it’s too late.

Debut director Vojtĕch Strakatý subverts the trappings of the coming-of-age genre by winding the timeframe of his assured debut tight, lending this tense drama a remarkable race-against-the-clock element. Lead Eliška Bašusová is excellent as a young woman grappling with the growing realisation and disappointment that her father might not have her best interests at heart.

Festivals & Awards

Official Selection at Venice Film Festival 2024


Unclassified 18+


89 min


Czech Republic


Czech (English subtitles)


Eliška Bašusová, Anna Tomanová, Jan Zadražil


Vojtĕch Strakatý