Nocní klid

In this minimalist thriller for contemporary eyes, Czech director Michal Hogenauer explores the chilling lengths one man goes to when he fears his life is in danger. Pavel Gajdoš stars as a businessman who, when catching a business flight after witnessing an unexpected incident at Airport security, is confronted by a stranger — a stranger he believes may be his inevitable murderer.

Written and produced by Václav Kadrnka, the director of Saving One Who Was Dead (Best Picture, CaSFFA 2022), this finely labyrinthine thriller confronts a fear that travels deep into the psyche — a paranoia that warps one man’s judgment and eventually spins completely out of control.

World premiere: 7th Pingyao International Film Festival.

Australian Premiere.




Pavel Gajdoš, Judit Pechácek, Michal Isteník


Michael Hogenauer